英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 12:08:01

covering letter

英 [ˈkʌvərɪŋ ˈletə]

美 [ˈkʌvərɪŋ ˈlɛtɚ]


第三人称复数:covering letters

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1. a letter sent along with other documents to provide additional information

Synonym: cover letter

1. 附信(与包裹或另一封信一起寄出)
A covering letter is a letter that you send with a parcel or with another letter in order to provide extra information.

in AM, use 美国英语用 cover letter

1. covering letter

1. 附信:个人简历(resume) 一般随附信(covering letter)寄出,其内容包括:姓名、通讯地址、邮编、电话、电子信函地址、个人身体状况、学历(工作经历)、特长爱好、证明人等.

2. 自荐信:便开始从各方面开始找,比如报纸,网路等等,我要谢谢之前分享ESOL的朋友,因为她的成功例子让我尝试找工作,我后来是在REED.CO.UK登记找到这份工作的,我把我的履历以及自荐信(COVERING LETTER)登入然后就搜寻关键字关於BASIC SKILLS TUTOR,

3. 说明函,前附函:451)duly completed 正确完成的,恰当填写完毕的 | 452)covering letter 说明函,前附函 | 453)alert sb. to sth. 提醒某人注意什么情况


4. 送报或重要文件时所备之简函:150. cover 抵偿 | 151. covering letter 送报或重要文件时所备之简函 | 152. credit 信用

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

We have opened the covering letter of credit through the bank of New York.(我们已通过纽约银行转开了有关信用证。)
I also declare that I have no conflict of interest in connection with this paper, other than any noted in the covering letter to the editor.(我还声明,除了在给编辑的投稿说明信中涉及内容之外,本人对本文稿无任何异议。)
Manuscripts should respect the Guidelines for contributors and mention this call for papers in a covering letter.(原稿需尊重投稿指南并在附函上提及本征稿启事。)
While preparing your offer include 25% commission for us and let us know through your covering letter.(贵方准备报价时,报价应包含应付我方的占合同总价25%的佣金,并应于贵方发出的面函中知会我方。)
Mr. Lee: Usually we deliver the goods within 2 months after receipt of the covering letter of credit.(李先生:通常我们会在收到信用证后两个月内交货。)
This might have been established because of the excellence of your CV and covering letter.(对方可能是根据你的简历及自荐书确定你的能力。)
Please send a covering letter with your application form.(寄申请表时请附上附信。)
Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter.(申请人需要提交一份简历和附函。)
Prepare a general CV and covering letter geared towards a particular industry sector, and then adapt it to target the organisation.(准备一份常规的履历表和投向特定行业部门的附信,确保使它适应该组织所要求的的目标。)
This amendment consists of sheet ( 's), including the covering letter and attachment(s).(本信用证连同面函及附件共纸。)
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